XsK verlaesst Switchback Sponsor

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    • XsK verlaesst Switchback Sponsor

      The odds were against Team XsK in the match ticker for their game against Mousesports but they proved everyone wrong! This is a team that has come a long way in a short period of time and were quickly supported by the Switchback Gaming organization. According to the team, Switchback has changed name to RIVE, and XsK will not be renewing their contract with the organization.

      XsK was disappointed when their new offer was less than what they were promised in the past. As this team is only rising, they only want the best. In order to attend LAN events in the future like they hoped, they have decided to seek out a new sponsorship that will better fit their needs.

      Hear what leader Puppey had to say about the team's recent endeavors:

      Alright well first off, is it confirmed that your team has seperated ways with Switchback Gaming?
      Yes. We left the clan.

      What were the reasonings behind it?
      The typical reason. Switchback failed our contract and we kind of did not want to take any part with their promises any more.

      Did they make any offers to you to join up with RIVE (their new identity according to Gunz)?
      Yeah, they offered us a smaller offer from RiVE, but the thing is, SwitchBack was only a test to see if the clan can actually work. The clan was new and we knew our choises. If we would have to leave the team, we would not loose anything cause we were'nt sponsored in the first place. As I said before, since it was a try of luck, we would not want to keep doing it.

      Have you sought out any other sponsorships yet?
      Right now, we have just added up a new manager named Oliver aka desRow. He was once a PGS clan manager and he has a lot of experience with gaming. He will be the one searching for the team.

      How do you feel about the victory vs Mousesports yesterday in the Prime Defending playoffs?
      We played our game, had some nice fun heroes also. Everyone was happy with their hero and the game went as expected. Although we had to start off with a laggy host for the canadian/american players, even though I also lagged on it, so the game ended up with no replay and mass saves(which were pretty annoying to be honest).

      How do you feel your team will perform against Virtus.Pro? Are you confident in beating them?
      Well its hard to say, they are the best team in dota, but we are ready to face them in any clan war. As ARS-ART said, nska and admiration FEEEEED. Besides smile has small piton. So we are pretty confident to play against anyone right now.

      How do you and your team feel about the 6.50 map? Are you for or against the change?
      You really want to know how we feel about it? We think its bad. The nerfs are too oblivious and the buffs are too strong. Some of the changes are ofcourse logical, still, bringing those (look silencer rapes with these items) items in the game will also change a lot of things. But we arent totally against the whole item thing, it's just the change of blink. Hero picks will change a lot but we are surely looking forward to accepting.

      What can the fans expect in the future? Do you see your team attending any LAN events this year?
      Searching for a sponsor and going to LAN events is our main goal right now. All of us will become 18+ soon so there won't be any problems. We want to play in LAN's and we hope to find a sponsor before any good lan will take place.

      Alright well good luck to you and your team and thanks for the interview! Any last words/shoutouts?
      Miky is bad at ladder.

      Quelle: mymym
      Question 41: SS, core? Deutschland.
    • kommt mir das nur so vor oder ist puppeys meinung zu 6.50b ziemlich unqualifiziert? wenn er keine ahnung hat soll er es sagen und nicht um den heissen brei herum reden, ist ja nicht schlimm wenn mal als spieler eines topclans sich immernoch auf .48b konzentriert, aber so eine meinung steht ihm mMn garnicht gut zu gesicht. erst "we think its bad" und dann "Hero picks will change a lot but we are surely looking forward to accepting." - ja was denn jetzt, sind die änderungen schlecht oder wird man sich daran gewöhnen? im übrigen zeugt es nicht gerade von viel wissen wenn er von "buffs" spricht, denn gebufft wurde ziemlich wenig. es wurden durch die nerfs wieder aspekte des spiel möglich gemacht die durch die vorherigen imbalance komplett weggefallen sind.

      dass die neue version natürlich auch noch etwas feinschliff braucht steht ausser frage, aber die grundlegenden ideen hinter den änderungen verbessern die balance signifikant. sehr schade dass ein guter spieler so einen stuss daherredet.
    • FME schrieb:

      dass die neue version natürlich auch noch etwas feinschliff braucht steht ausser frage, aber die grundlegenden ideen hinter den änderungen verbessern die balance signifikant. sehr schade dass ein guter spieler so einen stuss daherredet.


      Klar, man kann nicht einfach - ohne dass je ein hochklassiger CW mit ihr gespielt wurd - die 6.50(b)-Map zur neuen stable Map machen, aber nach ein bisschen Erfahrung wäre die Zeit reif! Und naja, dass so starke Spieler, die enfach genau wissen was zu stark/schwach war, so gegen die Neuerungen sind, ist wirklich schade.