MYM.DotA welcomes FearDarkness and ezy

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    • MYM.DotA welcomes FearDarkness and ezy

      The MYM DotA squad has been known to harbor some of DotA's strongest players in the world and now that theory will only grow stronger. MYM has decided to remove Fang from the roster since he will not be returning and will make room for two new recruits!

      ezy was a main starter on the complexity team and was feared for his carry role. Ezy was also known to be one of the top ranked players in DotA's first inhouse league, IHL. Fear and ezy retired shortly after coL's disbandment and disappeared from the DotA scene. Ezy came back and joined x6 along with players like Joker until the team disbanded.

      FearDarkness was once considered the best player in the world during his prime when he led the famed American sponsored team, Complexity. He was also voted as one of the top 10 DotA players of all time in an article on GotFrag.

      Now both are back and are hastily getting back the reputation they once had. Fear was seen playing with Team USA for MYM Prime Nations #2 and both played Prime Defending #9 with PluG. The DotA community has been eagerly watching and waiting to see if the two would once again continue his DotA career, and now it is official. What better way to continue a competitive DotA career than join one of the world's strongest teams, MYM!

      The two have been playing clan wars and practicing with the MYM DotA team behind the scenes for a while now. It is safe to say that Maelk and the others were impressed with their talent so they decided it would be a shame to waste it. Both are now officially added to the MYM DotA roster and will be participating in future tournaments and leagues with the team!


      bessere Quelle:
    • das ist doch nicht mehr als das bayern-prinzip:

      wir kaufen alles gute ein, auch wenn sie nicht bei uns spielen, sondern nur damit sie nicht gegen uns spielen können.
      nehmt das bitte als these, nicht als fakt entgegen ^^

      ich glaube mym wird dadurch nicht stärker.
    • unsere deutschen teams mit W werden sie wegpusten!

      wer sich das forum durchliest (sollte man bei solchen news immer machen :P) findet dort einen post von maelk in dem das "zu viele spieler" argument ausräumt. 1. kann das stamm lineup nun auch mehr RL haben und das team als solches trotzdem an allen ligen und turnieren teilnehmen und 2. würden ezy und fear einfach zu gut zu MYM passen als dass man sie nicht mit ins team holen sollte.
      da keiner vom dota spielen lebt wollen sie so auch wieder mehr spass und weniger pflicht erreichen.

      ich bin jedenfalls gespannt wie sich das alles zusammenfügt und wünsche ihnen viel glück.
    • die beiden ersten spiele, die ich von ezy gesehen haben, waren auf jeden fall nicht schlecht, dass er aber eine bereicherung für das team ist, kann ich mir nicht vorstellen. die beiden sind sicher nicht schlecht, aber wie gesagt, mym weiss ja so oder so nicht wirklich wer nun spielen soll, slahser, merlini, maelk, levent, hanni oder doch mania? jetzt kommen nochmals zwei dazu... naja gg mym und zeigt es den russen.

      ps. was ist eigentlich mit p0c?
    • Naja stärker wird MYM dadurch schon .. Fear und ezy können jetz nich bei den Gegnern sein...

      Und naja Maelk und LevenT (weil wahrscheinlich sons keiner die supporter spielen will...) spielen ja fast immer (Mania mein ich auch) und daran wird sich denk ich ma nich viel ändern.. Nur H4nn1- slahser und Merlini die sons schon rotiert hatten werden jetz noch weniger spielen denk ich ma (vllt wird auch Mania nich mehr immer dabei sein).

      Im großen und ganzen unnötige aktion imho.. da kanns Fear und ezy auch dafür bezahlen das se aufhören mit DotA-.-...
      [8:45 PM] WhineTraube: Ich gucke keine twitchhoes
    • N.ooN:_ schrieb:

      Naja stärker wird MYM dadurch schon .. Fear und ezy können jetz nich bei den Gegnern sein...

      Und naja Maelk und LevenT (weil wahrscheinlich sons keiner die supporter spielen will...) spielen ja fast immer (Mania mein ich auch) und daran wird sich denk ich ma nich viel ändern.. Nur H4nn1- slahser und Merlini die sons schon rotiert hatten werden jetz noch weniger spielen denk ich ma (vllt wird auch Mania nich mehr immer dabei sein).

      Im großen und ganzen unnötige aktion imho.. da kanns Fear und ezy auch dafür bezahlen das se aufhören mit DotA-.-...
      Das ist geistiger Dünnpfiff.....
      Les dir Maelk's Stellungnahme dazu durch und du wirst verstehen wieso die zwei jetzt bei MYM sind. Und wer wann spielt kommt auch immer darauf an wer wann Zeit hat. Es ist eben nicht immer leicht das rl zu vernachlässiger für DotA und dieses Problem wurde somit aus dem Wege geschafft.

      Maelk's Stellungnahme findest du im Allstars Forum...
    • Seems like a minor clarification is needed.

      First of all, the thing that matters the most to us is that the chemistry and teamwork is there so that everyone can hit it off together. For the longest time, we have had pretty much the same roster with people leaving only if they quit gaming all together.

      Naturally skills and experience matters almost just as much as well, but that shouldn't be a problem with these two behemoths.

      We rarely come across people that has both ingredients in what could possibly turn out to be a future MYM-member, and when we do we aren't going to pass up on it. Both Fear and ezy has sort of the same values, humor and approach to the game as the rest of us does and there was immediate chemistry. We all know each other from the past and have played a lot with both Fear and ezy prior to their absence from the game.

      Needless to say, they have both become friends of ours and I'm looking forward to them turning into just as good and reliable friends as the rest of us are. If an equally talented and trusted friend of ours wants to join us, then I don't really care whether I have 5 or 7 players. These opportunities rarely arises and I'm not going to turn down a friend and good prospect for the future.

      On top of all that, the past 6 months has been very busy for all of us, and even though it has been worth it it is also draining to partake in so many leagues and tournaments with strict schedules and locked dates. Neither of us makes a living out of playing DotA just yet, and we all strive to maintain our real life as well.

      Although its always fun to play with your friends, it gets tiresome to have to set aside a lot of things and prioritize DotA as much as we have done, because they was no one to substitute with. Scrimmages, which is actually the games where we have the most fun, rarely happens and we weren't able to renew ourselves, catch a breath or do some of the things we wanted to do. At one point, the only DotA-Games some of us played was official games and matches with all the expectations that goes with those. If anyone felt they had an off day, didn't feel like playing or had the urge to do something else one night like catching a movie or simply taking a nap - They couldn't.

      Personally I feel it was the perfect timing for this addition to happen and I'm looking forward to start playing for the fun of the game again and not just because our schedule says so. Now we can scrim as we like or take a break as we like, the same 5 people won't have to set aside everything for 2 weeks because of a PriDe tournament and we'll pretty much always have someone to play with in scrims and matches regardless if someone is missing.

      Furthermore it's going to be great to get to really know both of them and I'm looking forward to the tournaments this coming Summer.

      Also, a question I'm dying to know why people haven't asked themselves is: What do they have to lose?

      More than anything, I admire both Fear and ezy for taking the risk of trying to fit into a solid team of friends like ours. We have all met on several occasions and played together for 18 months, some less, and our humor isn't exactly motivating despite the sarcasm in it.

      To sum it up: A team of friends where everyone is equals - Now with flexibility.

      And who knows what will happen in months to come...

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