The more the merrier: MYM DotA by MYM Maelk

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    • The more the merrier: MYM DotA by MYM Maelk

      Hier ein interessanter Artikel by MYM Maelk über den Verlauf des letzten jahres und über die Turniere und Lans die sie dieses Jahr spielen wollen.

      Jacob "Maelk" Toft-Andersen, captain of the MYM DotA team, was kind enough to share some updates of the team, discuss future plans and clear up some of the communities questions.

      Confident and positive
      The MYM DotA team's popularity has grown not only because of their skill, but their diversity as well. North Americans were excited to see the new recruits, former coL members Clinton "FearDarkness" Loomis and John "ezy" Chow. The duo made it onto the prestigious DotA squad shortly after their return into the competitive DotA scene and have been working hard to stay at par with their teammates.
      "I wasn't there to witness the massacre against VP, but the outcome was sort of expected so I didn't really bother too much about that. In the matches since then, both official as well as training games, they've been absolutely fine and up to par. We are still getting to know eachother and the timing is still a bit off, but it is definitely improving by the day."
      Aside from their 0-2 loss to the newly reformed Virtus.Pro, the team also lost the first game in a bo3 against srs. In the first game, srs used Goblin Techies, but it was an overfarmed Luna that cost them the game.

      "Well, I suppose the first game against serious-gaming became difficult once we realized that we could actually lose. We were messing around a lot, and kept going in pairs against their entire team rather than picking teamfights and eventually lost due to their overly farmed Luna. It wasn't really hard to begin with, but as the game proceeded we realized that unless we did some perfect fights we weren't going to win the game. Needless to say, we didn't manage to get off good fights."

      Nine players and strong

      Different faces are seen in each match and scrim, as they now have nine people on the official roster. The community generally showed confusion as to why so many players were needed. One of the reasonings behind adding two new players was so that the team could participate in any league/tournament they want allowing more scheduling flexibility.

      "We don't have a steady schedule, we practice whenever we have five available. Even though one of the pros of adding another two players was to be more active, we haven't been for some reason. p0c and I have been away for a few weeks and everyone is busy with their education and work."


      Contrary to popular belief, the newest recruits were not added because of ESWC. MYM DotA has signed up for the American qualifier for ESWC due to the lack of a Danish qualifier.
      "Denmark doesn't have a qualifier of its own, we only have 2 German players and slahser isn't able to attend the ESWC Masters in Paris, so it is basically the only qualifier we are able to participate in. That Fear, being an American, happened to join a month prior to sign ups is strictly coincidential."

      Aside from the online qualifiers, they are hoping to attend ESWC Masters of Paris in the beginning of July. Unfortunately, they are having trouble rounding up 3 players of the same nationality and may need to make some changes.
      "We are aiming to be there, yes, but it might be with either a Danish or German standin. We are still considering our options. We are allowed to substitute players, possibly making room for slahser or a tri-American lineup. Of course, this would be a pity for the standin in question, but he would know the circumstances prior to playing with us."

      Future plans

      MYM DotA is popularly known as the reigning champions of the Dreamhack DotA tournaments, so naturally they will be attending again this year! Jacob is not sure as to which players will be participating, but he promises a surprise!
      "Yes, we plan on being back to defend our three-times title. Which players we are using isn't certain yet, but without revealing too much, I expect some of our North American players to come over this summer."
      MYM DotA are champions of another LAN event, Fire in Ice 2007! The team traveled to Chicago in December to compete in a LAN event hosted by eMg, defeating them in the grand finals and taking home $6000. Currently, eMg is planning the next Fire in Ice and it is on the team's agenda.

      "Definitely looking forward to it. Even though I don't expect it to be until Winter again, I think it is safe to say that we are planning to play again. It was a cool experience meeting all of our North American friends and enemies, and I can't wait for it to happen again."

      Online status

      Aside from LAN tournaments, the team is getting ready to play MYM Prime Defending #10 to hopefully extend the title champion. There is also PDL, Pick-League and DotA Ballers League.
      "We are playing DotA-league where we are sharing first place with SK and then we are in the playoffs of DBL where we will meet TeG and then mouz in the winnerbrackets."
      The team is confident in placing well in every tournament they play in. There are of course, rivals to look out for though!
      "I expect us to finish in top-3, as always, preferably making it into the finals like the past 3 editions. Our nemesis will always be VP and I think that SK seems incredibly strong at the time being, too. Up and coming teams I expect a lot from is the all-danish team, Met."
      A lot is in store for the future, but they will approach it with confidence!

      Das ganze nochmal hier auf der MYM Seite.

      Vor allem ist es nochmal nett wie er sich zu den zwei neuen äussert, da es in der hinsicht ja die letzte Zeit, grade nach der Niederlage gegen VP, zu ziemlich viel Diskussionen kam.
    • find ich ja ehrlich gesagt total uninteressant da man alles von dem was da drin steht schon weiß wenn man regelmäßig competitive dota auf liest =)

      eigtl nur eine zusammenfassung für spieler die eben diesen bereich nicht lesen...
    • FME schrieb:

      find ich ja ehrlich gesagt total uninteressant da man alles von dem was da drin steht schon weiß wenn man regelmäßig competitive dota auf liest =)

      eigtl nur eine zusammenfassung für spieler die eben diesen bereich nicht lesen...
      Manche Leute lesen aber das DA Forum nicht regelmäßig...

      Nice Artikel

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