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  • Bier bald ab 18???

    Infatile - - Funstuff


    Zitat von Dark.Sonata: „Infantile, deine Posts sind niveaulos. Punkt.“ well, i have to get down to your, retarded, niveau, to be able to lead a discussion, eh? Cuz discussions are led on the same level. Because im high and you low i get down. Gegegegege-get down. got that smarty?

  • Bier bald ab 18???

    Infatile - - Funstuff


    Ok, as i see i cant show you anything with normal arguments, as you are a intolerant person i gotta tell u two things more, which will 100% lead to a ban , but its fine, i just want to make a point. a) are you lesbian? b) do u have sand in the vagina? c) have u been completely disappointed by something related to smoking/drinking? and d) yes , i called u hitler.

  • Bier bald ab 18???

    Infatile - - Funstuff


    My point is not being that i dont accept that he doesnt want to drink / smoke. i dont accept he doesnt accept the reasons smokers/drinkers have, and that he even tries to -with the only argument being htat it destroys myself - tellme im stupid cuz im doing it, and that i have no reasons (altough i named him these). Everything which has good sides has negative sides. How long u sit in front of your PC? 4-10 hours per day? Thats same unhealthy. Too much exercising (if u do that) is unhealthy too. …

  • Bier bald ab 18???

    Infatile - - Funstuff


    Zitat von Corbenik: „Zitat von Infatile: „If you spend too much time worrying about others you will have lost this time concentrating on your own problems.“ Wuerde ich das tun, haette ich wahrscheinlich an die 1000 Beitraege in diesem Forum. Zitat: „Why do you care about other peoples problems? If they have a reason to drink&smoke, let them I drink and smoke aswell. So? I have my reasons.“ Es gibt Grundsaetze die fuer jeden Menschen gelten. Logik faellt ebenfalls unter diese Kategorie. Niemand h…

  • Levi und .....?

    Infatile - - Strategien


    templar assassin imba meld - armor dmg nuke pewpew kill kill zomg.

  • CW-Potential der neuen Helden

    Infatile - - Strategien


    how to get 20 min deso ?T_T

  • Bier bald ab 18???

    Infatile - - Funstuff


    Zitat von Corbenik: „Zitat von Infatile: „Corbenik. First step to inner health is being tolerant.“ Infatile. Akzeptanz haelt sich bei mir in Grenzen, wenn Menschen es vorziehen sich selbst zu zerstoeren, anstatt es wenigstens vorziehen darueber nachzudenken. Ich kenne Menschen dieser Art, bin selbst 12 Jahre lang zur Schule gegangen und habe alle diese Dinge selbst miterlebt (in den letzten zwei Jahren war ich von 32 Schuelern der einzige der nicht geraucht hat) und von anderen Schulen ebenfalls…

  • Bier bald ab 18???

    Infatile - - Funstuff


    Corbenik. First step to inner health is being tolerant.

  • CW-Potential der neuen Helden

    Infatile - - Strategien


    why should someone do this? huskar does not give any benefirts to the team. your argument was he pwns on lane. now you want to give him a lanemate. hi suckage. huskar is a public raper, where ppl nuke him down to 20% , then he heals and wtfpwns. in clanwars you focus him down and its gg, he cant do anyhting in teamfights aswell (viper for example slows , huskar suxxor)

  • GG Cleint SUCKED=?

    Infatile - - Probleme mit Warcraft und Steam


    jk nab ;o

  • CW-Potential der neuen Helden

    Infatile - - Strategien


    how do u farm 20 min deso? i agree with your order if she can. if not the lanya is behind darkseer. i played yesterday lanaya and had deso bopttle boots + 2 wraiths after about 30 minutes and _2hitted_ a qop which had 900 hp (meld + hit). i dont know .. lanya is pretty tough.. map control.. 4k traprange? correct me if im wrong.

  • GG Cleint SUCKED=?

    Infatile - - Probleme mit Warcraft und Steam


    Zitat von HePh4iSt0s: „Zitat von B4NT4: „zu den highlvl room grenzen: everts ist bereits 14.“ kk gg, cya GG C :ugly GG C ist mMn viel besser (vom Niveau) als Bnet, da halbwegs ein Verständnis eigenltihc immer da ist :> @Infantile I've also got some pretty nice mates, one of them is Dr.Affe. Really necessary, to tell ya more? :D“ hes level 23 and a unknown noob, whatever?

  • GosuGamers mit DotA Turnier

    Infatile - - Allgemeine Szene News


    so where are u in ? vae?

  • CW-Potential der neuen Helden

    Infatile - - Strategien


    imho darkseer could have some potential. Ofc, he maybe is not that strong on the lane, but hes easier to forest-play as axe, therefore you gain another sololane, and the ability, to concentrate the enemys on one point for massive aoe. (with good teamplay, the stunts can be managed to be casted on the destination of vacuum, and meanwhile the darkseer initiates the spell.) the ion sheel is pretty much high damage aswell, and the ultimate is more than distracting [x] darkseer

  • GG Cleint SUCKED=?

    Infatile - - Probleme mit Warcraft und Steam


    sign valle. and to this noob thing.. the normal rooms are full of morons, ofc they are, they have no vouchorwhatever-procedure. you can play there aswell, i guess many people would cal 50% of this forum noobs aswell. just play till u reach level 15, then u can join hlr2 where are as good as no leavers and a pretty high standard of skill. in hlr1 then, (level 20 req.) 90% of the people are good, 50% of them are extraordinary, and if u have a full buddylist, as i have u always have skilled mates t…

  • Kombo Venge+Chen

    Infatile - - Strategien


    Zitat von FME: „antraxx das mit dem port auf dem creep funzt, und zwar so: gegner portet sich zu einem befreundeten creep. das sieht chen, übernimmt das creep und schickt es zum brunnen zurück ... der port wird nicht abgebrochen (warum auch immer) und der gegner steht beim brunnen. ._. lame aber lustig. zu solchen lame taktiken gibts im übrigen auch ein thread im forum ... da werden noch viel geilere sachen vorgeschlagen :P“ link this dota allstars thread plz, dont wanna search.

  • Wie kann man den Sniper effektiv kontern?

    Infatile - - Helden


    hat Zitat von Alex[GP]: „pudge kann mit etwas skill sowas wie silencer und fiend solo mitte ownen also sniper wohl erst recht. Edit für peronsnen, die keinen plan haben: PUDGE IST STARK AUF DER LANE, seine aufgabe besteht darin, auf der lane mit nen slower aka twinhead viper veno qop zu ownen und dann auf level 7 mass gangen zu gehen, er kann aber auch gut solomid spielen und gewinnen.“ 100% sign + that sniper thing u said, aaaaaaaltough his range kinda enhances his ability to escape (balances o…

  • Wie kann man den Sniper effektiv kontern?

    Infatile - - Helden


    keke, silencer gets owned, zeus 50/50, sniper is imhou out of arclightning static field range? with arcane ring i guess zeus will own sniper anyhow.

  • Wie kann man den Sniper effektiv kontern?

    Infatile - - Helden


    sniper is one of the strongest laneheroes mates. only cuz there are rumors about he has no omg escape and no hp and MS it doesnt mean he sux. i guess only viper can rly rly rly own him easily. against tinker/ench it could be tough. Against shafdowfiend it should be easy, he will not hit you with razes. Sniper is a lasthitmachine. after 20 min he will have more items, and if you dont wathc out hell kill you with hitharrass+ulti. for nonbelievers i _insist_ to match a 1on1 me sniper - u which hero…

  • GG Cleint SUCKED=?

    Infatile - - Probleme mit Warcraft und Steam


    Dunno, i met many buddys in hlr1, and there, lets say 90% of the people know how to play _good_ (i mean lasthitting, denying, lanecontrol, but they got no mapoversight/confidence) and about 50% who are rly good (@ ihateteamplay- : for sure u will know names like cyc1ops, hydralisk(zerg) , pwned_by_branch , st0itchk0v, etc. sometimes the pros who are tired of ihcs stacked teams play there aswell. what im trying to say; if u have good connections and are ''known'' in HLR1, u can have much fun (fla…