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    • sobald es deinen partner verletzt

      eventually there comes a point where it's like the true test for your team - will he cast a spell or will he not
      - Artour Babaev

      Und wenn beide dann nicht mehr stacken und der einer 6k Boi, der vorher 4k war, mit einem anderen 4k Boi spielt, dann ist er nicht mehr 6k, weil er reverse trägert, oder?
      - User des Monats
    • Seit 2 Wochen wieder am "worken", fühlt ganz gut und komme auch super mit dem Kind zurecht. Heute das erste Mal seit Dienstag wieder gesleept und mit einem befreundeten Paar Erdbeeren gepflückt, aus denen ich morgen Marmelade kochen werde. Außerdem bauen wir gerade einen Wandschutz für die Dartscheibe aus alten Weinkorken. :thumbup:
    • Ich grinde aus Gründen schon die ganze Woche lang Beatles Wikipedia Seiten und bin dabei u.a. auf meinen Boi Magic Alex gestoßen, den ich euch nicht vorenthalten wollte. Ein paar Highlights:

      Jones introduced Mardas to Lennon, and it was at this point that Mardas impressed Lennon with the Nothing Box; a small plastic box with randomly blinking lights that Lennon would stare at for hours while under the influence of LSD.[8] Lennon later introduced the renamed John Alexis Mardas as his "new guru", calling him "Magic Alex".[9] Mardas allegedly told Lennon about ideas for futuristic electronic devices he was "working on", which he later disavowed either promising or discussing: a telephone that responded to its owner's voice and could identify who was calling,[10] a force field that would surround the Beatles' homes, an X-ray camera, paint that would make anything invisible, car paint that would change colour by flicking a switch, and wallpaper speakers,[11] which would actually be a part of the wallpaper.[9] Mardas later asked for the V-12 engines from Lennon's Rolls-Royce and George Harrison's Ferrari Berlinetta car, so he could build a flying saucer.[9] Mardas had denied these in a formal statement.[12]

      Mardas had often said that the Abbey Road studio was "no good",[52] much to producer George Martin's annoyance: "The trouble was that Alex was always coming to the studios to see what we were doing and to learn from it, while at the same time saying 'These people are so out of date.' But I found it very difficult to chuck him out, because the boys liked him so much. Since it was very obvious that I didn't, a minor schism developed".[53] Mardas boasted that he could build a much better studio, with a 72-track tape machine,[1] instead of the 4-track at Abbey Road—which was being updated at the time to an 8-track—so he was given the job of designing the new Apple Studio in the basement of Apple headquarters on Savile Row.[54] One of Mardas' more outrageous plans was to replace the acoustic baffles around Starr's drums with an invisible sonic force field.[55] Starr remembered that Mardas bought some "huge" surplus computers from British Aerospace, which were stored in his barn, but "they never left the barn", and were later sold as scrap metal.[55]

      Mardas gave the Beatles regular reports of his progress, but when they required their new studio in January 1969, during the Get Back project that became Let It Be, they discovered an unusable studio: no 72-track tape deck (Mardas had reduced it to 16 tracks),[55] no soundproofing, no talkback (intercom) system, and not even a patch bay to run the wiring between the control room and the 16 speakers that Mardas had fixed haphazardly to the walls.[55] The only new piece of sound equipment present was a crude mixing console which Mardas had built, which looked (in the words of Martin's assistant, Dave Harries) like "bits of wood and an old oscilloscope".[55] The console was scrapped after just one session. Harrison said it was "chaos", and that they had to "rip it all out and start again,"[56] calling it "the biggest disaster of all time."[55] Harrison's suspicions of Mardas' competence had been raised when he saw him wandering around in a white coat with a clipboard, and considered the possibility that Mardas had "just read the latest version of Science Weekly, and used its ideas".[57] Mardas later stated that he had never been in the basement of Savile Row, as the studio equipment he was building was being tested in Apple Electronics, at Boston Place, Marylebone.[12]
    • Arbeite zur Zeit recht lang. (9-10h/Tag)
      Hab dadurch (oder vlt auch unabhängig davon, not sure) zur Zeit überhaupt keine Lust mehr zu zocken.

      Stattdessen kipp ich mir lieber 3 Bier nach der Arbeit rein und hör laut Musik. Heute war mal die "This is System of a Down" Playlist auf Spotify dran.
      Ab 10 mach ich natürlich ein bisschen leiser. Bin ja netter Nachbar.

      Aber was das eigentlich für ne unglaublich geile Band.
      Heilige Berge.
      "I'd only suggest that you try to understand other people. Try to learn empathy"
    • Der deutsche Bahn Mitarbeiter im Speisewagen war so dermaßen laut und energisch, nicht jedoch unfreundlich, dass ich ihm das halt so gesagt habe. Und zwar:"ich hab doch schon Kaffee bestellt, da müssen sie mich nicht noch zusätzlich wachschreien!"
      Er guckt ganz verdutzt und sein Kollege hat sich fast eingepisst vor lachen, scheint wohl nicht nur mir aufgefallen zu sein.
      "There comes a moment when creation ceases to be tragic, it is simply taken seriously. Then the person deals with hope, but hope is not his task. His task is to turn away from excuses."
    • Ich geh nach Homeoffice-Feierabend immer mit dem Kinderwagen raus. Manchmal in den Wald... manchmal geh ich einkaufen, zur Eisdiele oder auch nur ein Pils trinken.
      Bei uns am Bahnhof hat jedenfalls ein Wein-Mann aufgemacht, und bisher bin ich neugierig um ihn herum-getigert. Nachdem ich vorhin jedoch ein Pils in der Bahnhofs-Cocktailbar disgustiert hatte, hab ich mir den Mut genommen, eben in jene Bar hineinzugehen.
      Außer mir kein Gast, und der Wirt schön am Vino trinken, empfing mich mit offenen Armen. Ich stell den Kinderwagen ab und räum erstmal eine Flasche Wein aus dem Regal und er muss erstmal aufwischen.
      Naja ich hock mich hin, trink nen Wein, ballert der Typ auf einmal Adriano von den Brothers Keepers durch seine Box, und fragt mich, ob ich was dagegen hätte, ein bisschen chillige Musik zu hören. Kein Problem Kollege.
      1min später singen wir zusammen den Part von Torch und jedenfalls er ist Claudio und hat eine Tochter und ich komm spätestens übermorgen wieder vorbei.

      HumanlyPuma schrieb:

      junge leg dir ne hantel ins büro oder geh kegeln