6.73c mit Balancefixes

    • 6.73c mit Balancefixes

      * Fire Remnant activation cost increased from 100 to 150
      * Flame Guard magic barrier reduced from 150/300/450/600 to 100/250/400/550
      * Moment of Courage cooldown increased from 0.75 to 0.9
      * Chakram manacost over time reduced from 20/30/40 to 20/25/30

      * Removed all Christmas themed additions
      * Fixed death timer not showing properly
      * Fixed a crash that happens on PowerPC Mac systems when playing online
      * Fixed a rare bug that could cause Ember Spirit to be unable to move
      * More map optimizations

      * Fixed Aghanim Tiny Illusions appearing as unupgraded Tiny
      * Fixed rare bugs with Sleight of Fist and Hex
      * Fixed sound effect on Skywrath Mage's attack projectile
      * Fixed visual effect for Rod of Atos's slow not showing
      * Fixed various tooltips
      * Fixed Ring of Aquila shared disable icon
      * Fixed a very minor visual glitch with Tranquil Boots item cooldown causing non-active items to look in cooldown
      * Fixed Shadow Demon's scoreboard icon
      * Fixed a bug with Tranquil boots and Aghanim Meepo
      * Fixed Orchid recipe shop hotkey
      * Fixed Chakram continuing to deal damage after game is over

      Bugfixes + Herobalances

      Mein persönlicher Favorit: Removed all Christmas themed additions
    • matthe schrieb:

      Das schlimme an DLG ist, dass man noch 72f Spiele hosten kann! Und es gibt Horsts, die solche ernsthaft hosten und so etwas grundlegendes bemerkt man überhaupt nicht o_O
      So einem Game bin ich einmal gejoint und seitdem achte ich auf die Version ^^

      Das hat soooooooo genervt als man nachm Respawn wieder warten musste bis das Mana voll war.. Das hätte schon vor Jahren abgeschafft werden sollen!!
      All work and no play makes Dietz a dull boy. All work and no play makes Dietz a dull boy. All work and no play makes Dietz a dull boy. All work and no play makes Dietz a dull boy. All work and no play makes Dietz a dull boy. All work and no play makes Dietz a dull boy. All work and no play makes Dietz a dull boy. All work and no play makes Dietz a dull boy. All work and no play makes Dietz a dull boy. All work and no play makes Dietz a dull boy. All work and no play makes Dietz a dull boy.
    • * Fixed death timer not showing properly
      * Fixed visual effect for Rod of Atos's slow not showing

      Imo die besten Fixes. Das hat mich anfangs unglaublich verwirrt, als kein Death timer auftauchte. Inzwischen habe ich mich dran gewöhnt, aber trotzdem gut, dass er zurück ist.

      Jetzt muss nur noch DLG schnell wechseln.
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